Tag Archives: work from home

What Is the Best Way to Work From Home?



Okay, I know what “you guys” idea of working from home is.  Roll out of bed whenever           you finally wake up, make some coffee, throw your laptop on the couch and head back into the kitchen.  Pour your coffee and head back to the couch…..wait…grab a couple of donuts.  Now, head back to the couch with your “breakfast” and grab the remote and switch on the tv to the cartoon channel.  Wait, dang it, forgot to open the blinds.  But, not too much since you’re only wearing your boxers and the mail lady walks right by the window if you’ve got mail.  So, you open the blinds, sit back down put the laptop in your lap while drinking coffee in one hand, eating a donut with the other, only to set it down to peck a few keys before you take another bite.  The whole time, your favorite cartoons are playing in the background.  Man, what a gig this is.  How could you not love your work. Continue reading What Is the Best Way to Work From Home?

How to Make Money Online at Home

In today’s world, with companies downsizing, along with the popularity of stay at home moms and stay at home dads, more and more people are asking how to make money
online at home?

There are many ways, believe it or not, one can do this.  Yes, and I mean legally.  And over time, here on my website, I will be showing you different ways in an effort to help the average folk like me be able to do so.  Today I am going to cover one of my favorite techniques.  Affiliate marketing. Continue reading How to Make Money Online at Home

How Fast Can I Make Money Online?


Probably the number one question about working from home is “How fast can I make money online?”  Unfortunately, there is no one answer.  There are many factors to throw into the equation.  And then, after that equation is written out and calculated it still all boils down to the work ethics of the individual. Continue reading How Fast Can I Make Money Online?

Do You Have What it Takes to Work From Home?


As Featured On EzineArticles

Okay.  You’re all excited.  You’ve been wanting to do this for-e-ver.  No more commute; no more boss over your shoulder; No more rigid hours.  You’re going to finally work from home.  But do you really have what it takes to work from home?  Are you a work from home type of person?  I am, and hopefully you are too.  But, look over all the facts and pros and cons before you make the big leap. Continue reading Do You Have What it Takes to Work From Home?

Work at Home Love Affair

I have a confession to make.  I’m in LOVE with working from home!  I’m in LOVE with affiliate marketing!  I can hardly get to sleep at night from being so excited to get up the next th-12morning and get on my laptop.  It is a passion!

How would you like to feel this way?  How would you like to look forward to the next morning like it’s Christmas everyday?  You can just as easily have this same love affair.  How you ask? Continue reading Work at Home Love Affair

Welcome to The Road to Internet Success!


Hello and welcome!  This is going to be short and sweet.  This is just my welcome post to tell you a little bit about what this website is about.  I am building this website to be the be all and end all of all your searching for internet success.  I’ve been so frustrated many times over the years in my search for internet wisdom.  Just to have that one little boost.  That one point in the right direction.  Only to find that it was all a cloaked trap to get a bit more money from me and I left knowing not one thing more than when I arrived.  And maybe even less. Continue reading Welcome to The Road to Internet Success!