Tag Archives: 30days.com


Unbelievable! Goosebumps! Emotional!

I can’t find the words to describe this online Summit that Russell Brunson and associates have put together. This is the ultimate affiliate marketing learning experience. I’ve been waiting for something like this ever since I started in this venue and it’s finally here!

The idea of this summit is this; You suddenly LOSE EVERYTHING…”What would you do from Day 1 to Day 30 to save yourself?”

Russell sent this question to members of ClickFunnels Two-Comma Club winners.  These are folks who had made at least a million in sales through their ClickFunnels funnel.  He told them all they had left was their roof over their head, an internet connection, a ClickFunnels account for 30 days and their funnel building skills.  No list, no product, unknown to the rest of the world.  How would they get it all back.

What would they do on day 1, on day 2, day 3, etc.  all the way up to day 30?

He heard back from 30 people.  Each had their daily plan drawn out, what they would do each day to regain their business and success.  Starting from scratch.

Although they all have different ways of doing it, there was a common thread among them and once you realize that, you’ll have your “AHA” moment.

So, Russell put all these folks together to lay out their plans for us at this 30Days.com summit.  It’s online and it’s free.  All you have to do is register.  It begins September 17th-19th.  You’ll hear each person’s 30 day plan they would use, step by step, day by day, to regain their success.

So now, we have an actual plan available to us.  It’s not a “hope I can do this” thing anymore.  It’s a step by step, here’s what you do plan, that we can follow and if we do, we can succeed.  And we have 30 blueprints to choose from or mix them up; whatever it takes to get going to our own success.

I’ve already registered and counting the days.  Hope to see you at the top!

Register for the 30Days.com Summit here.